About Us

Why Welfare to All?


AREDEC was established in 2013 as a non-profit making Organization to promote education, good governance, community development, promoting the values of social protection, developing alternative approaches for environment protection, climate change as well protecting human rights. AREDEC is recognized by the Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) with a legal personality, reference number 011/RGB/NGO/2016. We are now working in partnership with International Organizations, Bilateral cooperation, Private operators as well Government Institutions in different areas of our interventions.

A society where everyone has access to welfare enjoys rights for a sustainable


ï‚· Empower communities including vulnerable groups with skills to improve their live conditions,
ï‚· Prompting access to education for poor and vulnerable children
ï‚· Promote human rights and citizens participation
ï‚· Help communities have access to food security by promoting modern agricultural technologies
ï‚· Protect environment and ecosystems by promoting the use of renewable and green energies

To achieve its mission and Vision, AREDEC work seeks to develop and promote self-confidence, self-reliance and mutual trust among community members; to facilitate the emergence and maintenance of the habit of collaboration, information sharing, the prevalence of social justice, and the emergence of an effective participatory leadership. All this are based on the values of COMMITTMENT, SOLIDARITY, INTEGRITY, SELF CONFIDENCE, MUTUAL RESPECT and PARTNERSHIP
 Education and Community development
 Sexual and Reproductive Health and rights
 Social protection and human rights
 Environment Protection and climate change
 Gender Equity and Equality
 Agriculture and livestock
ï‚· Vocational and entrepreneurship training of refugees in Rwanda and their hosting communities in Mahama and Kigeme Camps
ï‚· Empowering and support vulnerable Women in Gakenke District by providing them with small livestock and incomes generating opportunities
ï‚· Monitoring of the cases for drop out in schools especially Girls
ï‚· Awareness Campaigns to promote education for all
ï‚· Awareness campaigns to promote Sexual and reproductive Health among adolescent girls in schools and around schools
ï‚· Community debates and dialogues on Gender based Violence
ï‚· Conducting Feasibility Studies on Production of Briquettes, Pellets and Improved Cooking Stoves
ï‚· Production and promotion the use of briquettes, pellets and improved cooking stoves and distribute its in Refugees camps, prisons and Rwandan Identified Households

ï‚· Capacity building of AREDEC staff and partners on Biomass Technology REN 2017 Biomass Fuels, Design improved cooking stoves, construction of improved cooking stoves as well Testing of Cooking stoves.
ï‚· Community dialogues with youth in Performance contracts process (Imihigo) in Gasabo District.
ï‚·  Promoting modern agriculture techniques by cultivation of fortified iron beans
ï‚·  Advocacy through umbrella organizations for some critical issues regarding education, agriculture, citizen participation, Climate change among others.


-Empowering Youth in vocational activities in the framework of livelihood program
- Reduction of Hunger, Poverty, and malnutrition through cultivating the Iron beans variety
-Protection of environment and ecosystems through the promoting of the use of renewable and green energies
- Advocacy through umbrella organizations for some critical issues regarding education, agriculture, citizen participation, Climate change among others.


-AREDEC intends to implement the project on Citizen Participation through dialogues and debates in order to promote accountability and good governance in Rwanda

-Strengthening its projects on the production and the use of renewable and green energies for environment protection and reduction of emission of CO2 and atmosphere pollution
- Youth Education to fight against drugs and unwanted pregnancies.
-In partnership with RCCDN (Rwanda Climate Change and Development Network) AREDEC will be involved in Environment protection initiatives
-Will continue to advocate on critical issues at National and regional level mainly on Environment, agriculture, human rights and social protection.

SEMAVENGE Cyprien Founder

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